Ofsted and Performance Data
Inspection Reports
Our latest Inspection reports from both Ofsted and the Diocese (Section 48) can be found here along with a link to Parent View which allows parents to complete an online survey on their views of the school once each year.

School Results
Test Results 2019: National Comparative Data KS2
St Mary's: 89.5% expected+ (National: 73.2%)
St Mary's: 106.2 Average Score (National: 104.4)
St Mary's: 26.3% at higher standard (National: 26.9%)
St Mary's: +3.67 Reading Progress Score (National: 0.03)
Writing (TA):
St Mary's: 73.7% expected+ (National: 78.5%)
St Mary's: 26.3% at higher standard (National: 20.1%)
St Mary's: +0.56 Writing Progress Score (National: 0.03 )
St Mary's: 73.3% expected+ (National: 78.7%)
St Mary's: 104.9 Average Score (National: 105)
St Mary's: 31.6% at higher standard (National: 26.6%)
St Mary's: +1.26 Maths Progress Score (National: 0.03 )
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar:
St Mary's: 73.7% expected+ (National: 78%)
St Mary's: 107.5 Average Score (National: 106.3)
St Mary's: 47.4% at higher standard (National: 35.7%)
Reading, Writing and Maths combined:
At expected level St Mary's: 63.2% (National: 64.9%)
At higher level St Mary's: 0% (National: 10.5%)