Term 4
Plants, Paws and Whiskers!
We begin the term by taking a closer look at wild and garden plants and discover the difference between a deciduous and an evergreen tree. We will also find out about some wild and wonderful animals! How could we sort and group them? Are they carnivorous? Are they nocturnal? We will then get the chance to create some clay sculptures using what we have learned as our inspiration.
What a busy term!
Think like a Scientist!
What plants and animals are in our local area?
Let's go exploring and see what we can find!
Following on from our work on animals in our science sessions, we will also be taking a look at animals in history. We begin by looking at how pigeons were used in WW1 before finding out about war horses. We then discover how various other animals served during this period.
Curious Quests (English)
We start the term with some work on non-fiction texts and their features before moving on to completing our quests from Professor Clunk based on the texts Alan's Big Scary Teeth and Pig the Pug. Phonics teaching will continue based on our ongoing assessments of the children's needs.
In maths, we will be looking at additive structures as well as addition and subtraction facts within ten. We will be using vocabulary such as expression, plus, equation, sum, addend and equals. Here are some examples of the STEM sentences we will be using this term:
We will continue to use lots of visual representations and manipulatives during our maths sessions.
We have now moved onto Branch 4 of our RE curriculum. This is called 'Desert to Garden' and the children will learn about Lent and how it is a special time for praying, fasting and helping others as Jesus taught us to do and that Jesus dies and rose again at Easter. They will hear the following key texts:
Jesus is tempted in the desert for 40 days (Lk4:1-13)
Jesus enters Jerusalem (Lk 19:28-38)
Jesus teaches in the temple (Lk 19:47-48)
The widow’s mite (Lk21:1-6)
The last supper (Lk 22:7-23)
The Crucifixion and death of Jesus (Lk 23:33-46)
The angel’s message (Lk 24:1-8)
They will also learn about the Ash Wednesday liturgy and the Palm Sunday liturgy and learn about how Christians prepare for Easter.
This term in RSE, the children will be covering content on keeping safe. This includes teaching the children to tell the difference between good and bad secrets. This unit also explores teaching on physical boundaries, incorporating the PANTS resource by the NSPCC. Through the animated expert Dr Datfa, children will also learn about the effects of harmful substances (including alcohol and tobacco), some basic First Aid, what makes a 999 emergency and what they should do in an emergency situation.