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St Mary's Catholic

Primary School

Pray Learn Love Enjoy

Pray Learn Love Enjoy

Term 6

Home Learning Tasks - optional but lots of fun (and slightly educational!)

This term, our key Literacy text will be The Matchbox Dairy by Paul Fleischman.  This is a lovely picture book which explores the life of a Great Grandfather, who is able to tell his stories based upon a collection of objects he made during his life, rather than writing a diary.

The Matchbox Diary (Read Aloud)

This book shares the story of a young girl and her grandfather and the diary that impacts their life. The grandfather shows the girl his matchbox diary that contains memories from his past. His family was immigrants from Italy, and they experienced the long journey on the ship to America.

In Science we will be exploring light and shadow.  The children have started by exploring light sources and will go on to investigate reflective materials and how shadows are made. 

Further wordbanks will be added as we create them in class to support your child's learning.