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St Mary's Catholic

Primary School

Pray Learn Love Enjoy

Pray Learn Love Enjoy

Term 6

Oh I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside!





Think like a geographer....

How is the seaside different from other places? What would you find in a rockpool? What challenges do the plants and animals that live in rockpools face? How do people affect the beach? We will be basing our studies on Wembury Beach. 




In DT, the children will be designing and constructing their own 'dream pillows'. They will choose herbs from our school garden to use in their creations. They will be using running stitch to sew together their selected felt and will evaluate their work. 



The term begins with lessons on measuring before we move onto unitising and coin recognition. The idea of unitising is used to build familiarity with counters representing 1, 2, 5 and 10 (pre-money tokens) before handling real coins. Establishing concepts of unitising helps children avoid being confused by the relative size, shape and colour of coins rather than their value. We will also explore position and direction as well as time. 


Curious Quests (English)

The children will be taking part in sharp and snappy activities in our Curious Quests sessions to continue to develop the children's love of writing. We will begin the term with some well loved Julia Donaldson texts to prepare the children for the 'phonics job'. 




We will be entering the zany world of Anna Meredith’s Nautilus! This iconic, futuristic sounding piece is characterised by its heavy beat and rising pitch patterns. Through this music, pupils will develop their feeling and understanding of pitch, beat, and duration. They will listen actively to the piece, interpreting its gestures in dance. They will engage imaginatively with the piece by drawing to the music. Finally, they will compare their interpretations with contrasting animations and videos, discovering that music can be interpreted in a myriad of ways.



We are moving onto Branch 6: Dialogue and Encounter. 


By the end of this unit of study pupils will know that the Church teaches:​

  • The Church is the community of all those who belong to Christ.​

  • The cross is a symbol of Christianity.​

  • The shortest summary of the Catholic faith is the sign of the cross. ​

By the end of this unity of study, pupils will know about Christianity locally through:​

  • Learning about their local parish community.​

  • Learning about their local parish church.​

  • Experience music, art, or religious objects that reflect Christian communities in a place outside their local parish. ​


By the end of this unit of study, pupils will have encountered the following:​

  • Aspects of modern Jewish life in Britain, including specific vocabulary about the Jewish belief in one God and the Torah as a special text which contains stories of the Jewish people’s history and as a guide for Jewish life. 




This term, we will be learning about the communities that we live in as well as exploring the concept of having a vocation. We are continuing to use the Ten:Ten resource 'Life to the Full'. 


Learning Objectives
Children will learn:

  • That they belong to various communities such as home, school, parish, the wider local community, nation and global community
  • That they should help at home with practical tasks such as keeping their room tidy, helping in the kitchen etc.
  • That we have a duty of care for others and for the world we live in (charity work, recycling etc.)
  • About what harms and what improves the world in which we live

Learning Objectives
Pupils will learn:

  • About some different types of jobs in the community
  • About some of the gifts, skills and strengths needed to do different jobs and that all jobs are open to boys and girls
  • Work is a part of our purpose (vocation)
  • God has given us all strengths, gifts and talents to do His work



The children will be preparing for Sports Day as well as taking part in weekly swimming lessons.