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St Mary's Catholic Primary School home page

St Mary's Catholic

Primary School

Pray Learn Love Enjoy

Pray Learn Love Enjoy

Term 1

Welcome to Term 1!

This term is all about settling in to the final year of St Mary's. With this final year, comes lots of exciting responsibilities! 

In Year 6, each child will be paired with a Reception child as part of our very successful 'buddy' scheme. We will timetable sessions for the children to spend time with their buddy over the year, as well as them being able to play together on the playground at break time and lunch time. 

Year 6s are also all prefects of St Mary's. They wear white shirts and are given badges to represent their position as top of the school. Some of Year 6 will have roles such as House Captains or Newsletter Editors. 


Residential 2025

Additional home practice

Remember that we subscribe to lots of amazing online platforms that you can use at home to support your learning. 

- Times Tables Rockstars

- Spelling Shed

- SATs Companion

- Bug Club


If you have any issues logging in, please get in touch.