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St Mary's Catholic

Primary School

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Pray Learn Love Enjoy

Farewell Mrs Thorpe

It is with great sadness that that we said farewell to Mrs Thorpe this week. Mrs Thorpe  worked at St Mary’s for over sixteen years  and was a valued member of our support staff as well as our resident artist throughout this time.


As such Mrs Thorpe will be very much missed at St Mary’s and we are all very grateful for her hard work and enthusiasm for

everything she has done for our school and the community throughout her time with us.


I am sure, therefore, that you will join me in wishing Mrs Thorpe well as she leaves to spend more time continuing to focus on her work as a artist and potter.


Thank you, Mrs Thorpe for all your hard work and support for our children, as well as your dedicated service to our school and

community. We will miss you!