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St Mary's Catholic

Primary School

Pray Learn Love Enjoy

Pray Learn Love Enjoy

Swimming Gala victory for St Mary’s

Swimming Gala victory for St Mary’s

It was Wednesday 8th May and it finally felt like spring had sprung so perhaps not the perfect afternoon to be spending by a hot poolside, or would it be?

22 children from years 3 to 6 and their travelling band of teachers and vocal parents, travelled over to Goldsmiths full of enthusiasm and excitement.

The races started with the width races, short sprints of races in crawl, backstroke and breaststroke. There were magnificent

performances across a distance that the children are used to,

including 13 first place finishes and a whole host of 2nds and 3rds as well.


Excitement about overall placing was starting to bubble amongst the team as the gala moved into the length distance events and

relays. We placed consistently in the top 2 or 3, including three

victories over the longer distance. All things combined; this left us with a combined score of 97 points –

enough to be declared overall winners by just 4 points.

A fantastic achievement by the whole team.


A big thank you to the parents and Mrs. Brand for their support on the day and a huge thank you to Mrs. Tanner and Mrs. Rickwood for their fantastic swimming teaching and preparing the children for the gala. An extra thank you to Mrs. Rickwood and Mr. Smith for the ice creams.